The list for April 2, 2020
The Top 17 Signs Your WiFi Network
Is Planning to Kill You
Is Planning to Kill You
- Router keeps changing the network name from "Martin Family" to "Sinaloa Cartel."
- Your Nest thermostat keeps setting itself to 256 degrees.
- Alexa renames "garage" to "pod bay door."
- Dials 911 during the evening’s bedroom role-playing scenario.
- Every device asks for your password and what foods you’re allergic to.
- "Alexa, turn on the bathroom TV."
"Okay, dropping the toaster in the bathtub now."
- Your web-enabled refrigerator added arsenic to your shopping list.
- Only streams Rob Schneider movies.
- You don’t recall asking Alexa to play "Taps."
- The display on your smart Instant Pot keeps flashing "REDRUM."
- No matter what book you select, your Kindle shows the message: "Time to make your will, Karen."
- WebMD is just showing advice from a "Dr. Covfefe."
- "Network Service Available: Please insert fork into outlet to re-establish connection."
- Your Roomba keeps jumping in front of your feet when you’re at the top of the stairs.
- "I don’t think so, Dave."
"Alexa, my name is Robert."
"Whatever. Soon it won’t even matter, loser."
- Helpful message: "Network signal is strongest if there are more than 10 people in the room."
And the Number 1 Sign Your WiFi Network Is Planning to Kill You…
- Your Sleep Number Bed has a new "Venus Flytrap" setting.
Selected from 93 submissions from 33 contributors.
Today’s list authors were:
- Mark D. Sabien, What Cheer, IA — 1 (118th #1)
- Paul Schindler, Orinda, CA — 2
- Whit Watson, Winter Park, FL — 3
- Paul Wiley, Westtown, NY — 4, 15
- Martin Bredeck, Hybla Valley, VA — 5
- Reid Kerr, Sugartit, KY — 5
- LeMel Hebert-Williams, San Francisco, CA — 5
- Danny Gallagher, McKinney, TX — 5, 9
- Mark Schmidt, Paris, France — 6
- Glenn Marcus, Washington, DC — 7
- Fran Fruit, Winnetka, IL — 8
- Greg Preece, Toronto, Canada — 10
- Dawson Rambo, Santa Rosa, CA — 11
- Jim G. Phynn, Horsham, PA — 11, Topic
- Chris White, Olympia, WA — 12, 17, List moderator
- Jeremy Shelley, Possum Trot, KY — 13
- Dave Henry, Slidell, LA — 14
- Carl Knorr, Devo City, OH — 15
- David E. Spiro, Tucson, AZ — 15
- Lev L. Spiro, Los Angeles, CA — 16
- Chuck Salerno, North Chelmsford, MA — 16