The list for December 23, 2013
Folks keep getting into trouble with “joke”
tweets that might have been better left
untwittered. Steve Martin and PR exec
(now *former* PR exec) Justine Sacco
are among the more recent nitweets.
tweets that might have been better left
untwittered. Steve Martin and PR exec
(now *former* PR exec) Justine Sacco
are among the more recent nitweets.
The Top 12 Joke Tweets That
Might Not Go Over Well
Might Not Go Over Well
- Sorry, kids, but I swear to God I thought Santa was a burglar. #2ndAmendment
- About to tell Kanye the baby isn’t his. #ithinkhisnextsongwillbeaboutme #andtaylorstoo
- If a bearded illegal alien with 9 livestock and uninspected packages enters American airspace, of course we’ll shoot it down. #DoD
- Looking for fun and excitement in DC come 2017? Internship positions at the Office of the First Husband are filling up fast! #blewdress
- Just a night out with the boys! #basementtime #SanduskyClaus
- Hey, Dad, I’m having problems ending these sentences Here’s why: I’m missing two periods #time4agrandkid
- Sorry to leave my wife and kids right before Xmas, but have you heard what they’re giving away in Russia? #freepussyriot
- oops. totaled the car daddy gave me for my 16th bday. #hopemynextonesred
- Sorry 2 A&E, LGBT community —- I have seen the light: ’14 will see line of "gay calls," sounding like cross between Liberace, Rip Taylor.
- Christmas money shortage! Time to take the ski mask to BofA again. #hopethefedsarentreadingthis
- On behalf of everyone at @AlQaeda, we apologize for the attack in Yemen as well as those next week in Tehran and Budapest.
- Vacation time! Michelle, kids and I are flying back home to Keny—- er, Hawaii. #birthermorons
- Calm down, haters. She’s not some black kid; she’s just my wife. #Zimmerman
And the Number 1 Joke Tweet That Might Not Go Over Well…
- Thanks for the Xmas painting Dad… NOT! #BushTwins #TooMuchSpareTime #TakeDaddysBrushAway
Selected from 65 submissions from 24 contributors.
Today’s list authors were:
- Michael Whitmire, Houston, TX — 1, 13 (23rd #1)
- Bill Muse, Seattle, WA — 2, 12
- Tristan Fabriani, Passaic, NJ — 3, 14, Banner Tag
- Danny Gallagher, McKinney, TX — 4
- David Zechiel, Lake Forest, CA — 5, 7, 9 (Hat trick!)
- Mark D. Sabien, What Cheer, IA — 6, 11
- Caryn Kennealy, Glendale, CA — 8
- L. A. Bettencourtt, Macon, GA — 10
- Chris White, Olympia, WA — List owner/editor